Once again I have shocked myself. Having never had a computer that would burn CD's, I have never done that. Well, today I was playing around with my new laptop and decided to see if I could burn a CD of songs from my Ipod. It was so easy and right now I am listening to that CD through my home system. It's awesome. Elvis is singing "How Great Though Art" right now. Technology always just amazes me!!! I'm even more AMAZED when I do it and it WORKS!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Good intentions...
Today I went to Mom and Dad's early to make some fried fruit pies so I could take some to my neighbor across the street. When I got there, Dad's hearing aid had just died AGAIN! He has so much trouble with that thing, but he cannot do without it. I took him to the hearing aid man here in Minden, but he had to send it off to get it fixed. Thank goodness, he made Dad a temporary hearing aid to use while his is sent off. It seems to help him hear better. After all that drama, I didn't feel like cooking fried pies. Maybe another day!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Awesome day....
There were so many options for me today and I did most of them. When the weather is as perfect as it was today, I am energized and get a lot done. I made one trip out to where our garage sale tent will be on Saturday and took STUFF. Tomorrow I will continue to go through and get rid of stuff. There is so much stuff in the attic that I just don't need. Two tennis rackets that were very expensive twenty years ago are finally going to have to go. They survived the move to Louisiana, but now they are going to have to go. The strings, of course, are dead in them and I'm sure a real tennis player would laugh at the rackets, but a child just getting started could use them. It's hard for me to part with that part of my life. I used to play competitive tennis and had so much fun. I still have my $12 wooden frame racket that I bought when I took tennis in college. It's staying!!!!!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
I get nervous when I am in charge of doing something that I have never done before, so until this program gets printed I will not completely relax. The Bal' is on January 4th this year, so there isn't much time. After I spent the morning working on the float, I spent the afternoon looking for stuff for a garage sale that will be happening next weekend as a fund raiser for the royalty this year. It is very expensive to serve as royalty. Next weekend is an annual event called Main to Main and there are garage sales set up along the highway from Main Street in Springhill, Louisiana, which is about 30 miles north of us, to several miles south of Minden Main Street. We have a big tent that will be set up in a prime location for our garage sale. I'm glad to get rid of some more stuff. I got rid of a lot before I moved, but I figure if I haven't used it since I have been here, then I don't need it. Next week I will continue to get rid of stuff!! I like doing that.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
รจ I had an invitation several weeks ago to a Halloween party at someone's house that I do not know. All the local Mardi Gras krewes were invited. I do not like to have to find and wear costumes, so I made no plans to go. Sunday, a friend called and said she and a couple others were going and I should come, too. I declined because I just don't want to deal with a costume. Meeting new people is not a problem; it's the costume thingy I dislike!! I did go to one last year for the krewe that I eventually joined, but I was a judge of the costumes, so I didn't have to wear one.That one was really fun. Maybe next year!!!
My kind of day...
It's been cold and cloudy and dark all day and I love it. I have not hit a lick...nothing but hanging out on my bed in my flannels watching TV. Seriously LAZY. I have plenty of scrapbooking that needs to get done, but today wasn't that day. I have fall gardening that needs to get done, but today wasn't that day. I have yard work that needs to get done, but today wasn't the day. I have errands that need to get done, but today wasn't the day. It's like the first day of winter and time to kick back and chill out. However, turning on the heat has not been necessary yet. I'll hold off as long as I can.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Two are gone..
Before I left on my trip, I mentioned that there were three people that I expected to die before I got back. Two of them died this week. Yesterday and today I went to two different funeral homes. It really hits home and makes me think of losing my own parents. I know how lucky I have been to have had them this long and I think about their funerals quite often. I kind of know what my dad wants, but I have no clue about my mom. She has never mentioned it. The only thing she told us is that they both have burial insurance with the funeral home worth about $17,000. I had no clue how much funerals cost, but she said that would cover them. Well, isn't this just cheerful!!!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Three way battle.....
My brain is battling against itself three different ways. I am torn between watching LSU football, election results and just going to bed because I have to get up at 3:30 to take my cousin's children to the airport. They flew in this morning and have to go back to Virginia early tomorrow morning. They came to spend the day with my aunt, their grandmother, who broke her hip last month. LSU is losing right now, but it looks like my candidate, Bobby Jindal, may have an outright win without a run-off!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Louisiana has a horrible,well -deserved reputation for crooked politicians. It's TRUE! Tomorrow, as a new Louisiana citizen, it is my plan to vote against every incumbent. How did we get in this shape? Those morons got us that reputation and I say it's time for a house cleaning. I will do my part......Democrat or Republican....I don't care. If you are an incumbent or one of the legislators who was term limited and just switched from running for representative to running for senator or vice versa, then I am voting against you. You need to go HOME! Today was another day filled with those "Robo" calls from politicians. My brother asked me tonight if I knew who to vote for tomorrow. I told him that I wasn't voting for any of them if they didn't stop calling me. It's highly annoying and not covered by the "do not call" list.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Holy Crap....
If my dad gets a cold this winter, it is over for him. He cannot breathe. Last night was a better night. Someone told him to take an allergy pill before going to bed. He did that and did not wake up gasping for breath. I hope this will make things better for him. I need to stay away from him because I feel like I may be getting sick. I am doing a lot of coughing and that usually preceeds my getting sick.
Louisiana is in the throes of an election which is over on Saturday, Thank Goodness! I got 10 phone calls today, all of them politically motivated. I do not answer any call from "out of area". I know who I am voting for anyway.My mailbox has been full of flyers everyday and I had 8 messages when I returned home, 7 of them being political in nature. I am sick of it all.
I have a confession..
Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. I bought Rosie O'Donnell's new book while I was on the road. It is no secret that I cannot stand her and disagree with everything she says and does, but I am addicted to her blog and I know not why. I would not have bought the book if the money were going in her pocket, but the proceeds go to support her Rosie's Broadway Kids organization. I probably would have bought it used on Amazon, but the money wouldn't be going to her pocket. She does good charity work and is generous with her money. Unfortunately, much of it goes to left wing loonies. I read it, but it was not very good. Waste of money. I may sell mine on Amazon now.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
My dad
Mom told me that Dad had a really bad night last night. He simply could not breathe and he was on oxygen. He wanted her to call me this morning and tell me he was not doing well. He also had her write down where all their assets are for my brother and me. After sitting up in the chair for a while, he decided he felt better and that she should not call me. After I talked with her, I jumped in the car and went to visit him. I know that always makes him feel better. This breathing problem seems to mostly be at night. He even went to Mom's room and woke her up last night when he was having such a hard time breathing. He told her that he didn't mind dying, but he didn't want to die that way. I think that he thinks his time is about over on this Earth and he is OK with that. I'm not so sure I'm OK with that, but I have never seen him when he was really struggling to breathe.
I went to visit my neighbor that broke his back on a four wheeler . He has been in the hospital for 3 weeks now, but has been moved to the Rehab floor. He is in bad shape. He takes two steps forward and one step backwards, but I guess that is still progress.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Still dazed!
I have so much to do in order to get things back to normal around here. Leaving home for more than two weeks allows spiders to set up housekeeping in every corner in the garage and the patio. Today we had much needed rain, so I didn't get around to cleaning those up. Clothes still must be washed and one bag is still not unpacked. Of course, I had to take a nap this afternoon when it was raining and dark...yep, that was a must!
This morning I went to Mom and Dad's and cranked up the tiller to get the fall garden started. I got some turnip greens and squash planted. They needed to be in the ground before the rain. I still have some collard greens, onions, and cabbage to plant. My yard still didn't get mowed because of the rain, so it looks shameful.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Home, Sweet, Home!
It's all been wonderful! Every day was something special...well, except those when all I did was drive! I didn't really check, but I probably drove 2,500 to 3,000 miles. Today I made it to my brother's in time for Sunday lunch. I didn't even go to my home first. Since I got home, I have had the sprinklers going nonstop. Several things lost their leaves from lack of water. My grass is dead in some places, but it will come back. I will mow it tomorrow, but it needed water first. My neighbor has already been over and told me she missed me. I told her I will never be gone that long again.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Last leg
Tonight I am in Meridian, MS. I drove 9 hours and really wanted to go all the way home, but I just couldn't do it. I should get home fairly early tomorrow. After a couple of days recovery, I will be back up and running. I know there is lots of yard work waiting for me. I just hope my grass isn't dead.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Myrtle Beach
I can now add Myrtle Beach to the places I have been and don't have to go again. Just like most of the other beaches, it is too commercial and covered with condos. The almighty dollar has hijacked the ocean. I have also kicked up my departure to Louisiana by one day. I will head home on Saturday and hope to make it home Sunday even though I am really tired of driving.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
On the Road Again
Once again I am a traveling fool, but I am getting really tired. I miss my home and my bed. My sister-in-law told me via email that my parents really miss me. I asked Mom what they did when I lived far away. She said they didn't expect to see me then!! Now I am on a guilt trip. Tonight I am somewhere in North Carolina. Tomorrow I plan to visit Myrtle Beach since I have never been there. Thursday I will be at my next to final destination in Aiken, SC for a couple of days seeing the babies. Then I will try to make record time getting home.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Good Bye
I just came from Angela and Jason's condo where the last festivity of the wedding was held. We had grilled burgers and all the trimmings and more wedding cake. Angela and Jason are trying to get rid of wedding cake. All the guests have to travel to get home and they are going on their honeymoon tomorrow.
This morning I took the Metro, which very conveniently has a station right next to my hotel. I went down to the National Mall and got some culture. Sunday morning is a good time to do that.
Tomorrow I will be going back to my cousin's before heading south again. It's been fun, but I am ready to move on.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
It's OVER!
The wedding was sensational at Mount Vernon. The wait staff was dressed in period clothing just as they would have for George Washington. We partied until the bride and groom left and the last bus left for the various hotels. It was HOT there. It should be cooled off here by now, but that hasn't happened. The wedding ceremony was under a tent on the patio at the Mount Vernon Inn. They even had food that would have been served to George Washington...hoe cakes topped with lump crabmeat, steak and crab cakes.....real crab cakes...not those stuffed with bread crumbs. They even had two chocolate covered cherries in a gift box at every plate (get it?...George Washington ...cherry trees!!) Everything was perfect. I even sat at the table with the groom's mom and dad and brother, so at least I knew someone. I actually knew several people there. The groom's uncle performed the ceremony, so I knew him as well. Tomorrow I plan to get on the Metro and do some touristy things. Most people are going home tomorrow, but I will get a chance to see everyone again at Jason and Angela's home tomorrow at the bar b que. The mothers are doing it.
Friday, October 05, 2007
I'm Exhausted already!
I have been on a mission to find some hairspray. Old Town Alexandria is not a good place for that. After walking at least a mile searching for the CVS, which I was told was there, I finally found it.....but then I had to walk back. I would be skinny if I lived here. Either that or I would never go anywhere. The car is in the parking garage and I don't want to retrieve it until Sunday afternoon when I go to Jason and Angela's home for a bar b que. Traffic is just too scary for me. Tonight I will ride the Metro to the festivities and tomorrow they have a bus to take guests from the hotel to Mount Vernon for the wedding.