Today my mom turned 81. Since there is not a thing in this world that she needs, I went to her house this morning and cleaned her house for her. She really did need that. She hasn't had her cleaning lady in about 6 weeks and she will never be back. She is older than Mom, but didn't want to stop working so Mom let her keep coming even though she couldn't clean very well any longer. The cleaning lady is now in a long term care facility, but I think it will not be long term. I was at Mom's the last time she came and I thought then that she didn't feel well. I asked her and she said she didn't know what was wrong, but she didn't feel well. Within a few days she was in the hospital. Mom didn't let me get one up on her today. Even though it was her birthday, she got in the kitchen (after I cleaned it) and cooked lunch. I told her not to, but she did anyway. She is a sweet, sweet lady!!
5 years ago