I have been battling diarrhea for the 3 weeks that I have been out of the hospital. Part of that time I was taking an antibiotic that had that for a side effect, but I have been off all antibiotics for a week. Today I went back to the doctor. When I told him what was happening, we discovered that I came home from the hospital with a prescripton for colchicine with instructions to take 4 times a day. When I told him that, he said he had never written a prescription for that for 4 times a day. The pharmacy must have misread it. He is sure that is what has been causing the diarrhea. It's been so bad that I could not eat and my whole body is just incredibly weak from dehydration and no food. Now I have another med for the stomach distress. I am really, really tired of being sick. Today I have been able to eat a few crackers and some gatorade. A few minutes ago, I ate some watermelon. We'll see how things go tonight. Yesterday, I was ready for someone to just kick the dirt in on me. That's how bad things have been.
5 years ago