I have been busy over the weekend, but mostly with mundane work sort of stuff. Nothing worth writing about here. Yesterday after I finished working in the yard at Mom and Dad's, I had my first crawfish of the season. This is a delicacy that is only available a few months out of the year, so we have to eat while we can and I am off to a good start.
Last week Mom tore out a picture of an old timey looking music player from a sale paper. She wanted something that would play her old vinyl records, cassettes, radio (AM & FM) and CD's. I was unable to get the one she wanted last week because Target was sold out of them, but today I found a similar one at K Mart and bought it for her. I have unboxed it and tried the CD, radio and cassette, but I would have to go up in the attic to find a vinyl record and I am not doing that! Everything works that I tested, so I will take it to her tomorrow and try one of her records to make sure the turn table works. These days I am surprised when I buy something that actually works right!
5 years ago