Mom told me that Dad had a really bad night last night. He simply could not breathe and he was on oxygen. He wanted her to call me this morning and tell me he was not doing well. He also had her write down where all their assets are for my brother and me. After sitting up in the chair for a while, he decided he felt better and that she should not call me. After I talked with her, I jumped in the car and went to visit him. I know that always makes him feel better. This breathing problem seems to mostly be at night. He even went to Mom's room and woke her up last night when he was having such a hard time breathing. He told her that he didn't mind dying, but he didn't want to die that way. I think that he thinks his time is about over on this Earth and he is OK with that. I'm not so sure I'm OK with that, but I have never seen him when he was really struggling to breathe.
I went to visit my neighbor that broke his back on a four wheeler . He has been in the hospital for 3 weeks now, but has been moved to the Rehab floor. He is in bad shape. He takes two steps forward and one step backwards, but I guess that is still progress.
5 years ago