Wednesday, September 20, 2006

My comedy of errors!

I bought this stuff. Apparently, it is just ground up moth balls. I put it all around the house outside. Now my whole house....inside and out.....smells of moth balls. I can't win. Now I am just hoping this stuff will dissipate soon. I'm not too fond of moth balls!!!

Varmit Update!!

My mom saw my snake this morning and she thinks it is a ground rattler. My brother hasn't seen it yet.

While mowing the yard this morning, I saw at least 3 of those green frogs jumping out of the way of the lawn mower. Never saw that before.

As I pulled the lawnmower out of its spot under the shed, something darted out from under it...too fast for me to see, but I'm thinking mouse!

My little bit of heaven is not quite as heavenly as I once thought!! I'm off to Lowe's to see what kind of varmit repellent I can find. :)