I spent several hours working at Dad's today. He located a bunch of seedling peach trees in the middle of a grown up fence row and wanted the row cleaned up so the little trees can grow, so he and I were going to do it. I knew it would be me doing it because he just cannot do work anymore. My brother came and used the blade on the tractor and helped me a lot.
It's time to start planting stuff, so I ran the tiller and got some rows ready to plant corn. We had onions waiting to be planted, so I got all them planted.
Then I had to mow my yard. It was downright embarrassing. I could have hidden Easter eggs in my yard, but it's all clean now. I still have to edge and use the blower, but........as is usual...I AM USED UP! I'm off to the Lazy Boy for a night of vegetating!!!!
5 years ago