Santa came and was very generous. Looks like I will be getting a couple of new tv's soon....maybe tomorrow! whole family with the exception of my dad is sick. Mom had it first, then my brother, my sister-in-law and I got it. In fact, my sister-in-law is so sick that she had to call off her Christmas at her Lake House tomorrow night with her family. She has been doing that for many years, but she just can't do it now. She didn't even come to Mom's for Christmas dinner today. She made creamed corn and sent it by my brother and he took a plate to her, but she was too sick to eat. She had planned to fry catfish filets and cover them with crawfish e'touffe for her family. Wow! That would have been tasty!! We have told Mom that this would be her last year to have Christmas dinner at her house. She is simply not able to do it. She cooked chicken and dressing because that is what everyone expects, but when I saw how tired she was last night when I went to get them to take them to candlelight service, I told her this was going to be her last year. We would figure out something else to do. My house is too small and my sister-in-law does Christmas Eve at her house. There is another family that is always with us on those two occasions. We used to do Christmas breakfast at their house, but since the kids got big, we don't any more. We'll figure something out. We have a YEAR! Who knows? The world may end first!
5 years ago