I lost my program that held all my addresses that I use to print out labels and my backup program can't seem to find it either. Good thing I printed all my addresses out before switching computers!! I even keep the database for my now defunct high school for our reunions.Crap! That's a lot of data that I have to retype. Fortunately, I was able to re-load the program that I am used to on to my new computer. That's a shocker since I now have Windows 7 and the program was old.
Today was my 67th birthday, my first ever without my daddy. I thought about him all day....well, between all the coughs. All I have done was visit my mom and lie down all day. There was a lot of stuff that I needed to do because I am hosting my family on Thanksgiving....well, all 4 of us! Tomorrow I am going to lunch with my mom and sister-in-law and some of their church friends, so maybe I can get something done after that. At least, I will be forced to get dressed.
5 years ago