Yet another weekend with a heavy heart. Last weekend I didn't mention it in my blog, but the young man who died on the football field last Friday night was from the school where I taught. In fact, his dad was there when I was. Such a tragic loss.
This weekend I woke up to all kinds of messages about yet another of my friends from that school...a young man named Matt Didyk, 38, died last night. He had a congenital defective heart valve replaced about a month ago and was doing fine until a staph infection showed up. He was a beautiful, kind soul. I used to take some of my high school kiddos on ski trips during our Christmas break. He was already in college, but he went on the last one I took along with one of his brothers. My heart is hurting for his family. I always complimented him on his beautiful smile...and he was always smiling!
5 years ago