I was an early riser this morning....not an every day occurrence...ate breakfast, and got busy outside. Yesterday I discovered that the hard stuff around the edge of my foundation is not concrete, but mortar from sloppy bricklayers. I also found out that I can break it up and move it out so that's what I did. Now I will be able to get stuff to grow up next to the foundation. After I finished that, I went to work with the power washer trying to get the red clay off my driveway. Tough stuff to deal with. I also washed the eaves of the house where red dust had settled. I didn't finish that, but I quit and went to Mom and Dad's to cut me some centipede sod out of their pasture. That turned out not to be so easy, so I gave up and mowed the rest of their yard that I didn't finish last Friday. Also planted some flowers for Mom. She had picked the first turnip greens that I had planted a few weeks ago and tomorrow she is cooking them. Yes, I'm going back for the turnip greens!! Now I am just tired!!!!
5 years ago