I spent a good part of the morning taking my friend's son back to the orthodontist, but this afternoon was KILLER! I called a local professional to come see if he could solve my network printer problem. He was here from 2:30 until 6:30. He was a TALKER! He only charged me for two hours because he does talk so much! He finally got the printer to work, but it took some doing. It was kicking his ASS just like it did my little friend on Saturday. We were almost to the point where I was going to buy a new printer that was network capable when the thing decided to print from the laptop. I have tried it since and it did work. Now I have spent a total of $345 to get the damn thing running. $100 on Saturday, which Cody really didn't want to take that much, but I told him it was a retainer fee and I had him on speed dial. Then today was another $120 plus $125 of wireless equipment on Saturday. I am bleeding money!!
5 years ago