My brother and my dad were fishing today and doing well catching fish. After 1 1/2 hours my dad told my brother that he couldn't fish any more and needed to go to shore. My brother immediately started the boat and headed across the lake to the boathouse. He looked back at Dad and he was lying on the floor of the boat. My brother thought he was dead. Stewart called to him twice, "Daddy, daddy", but Daddy didn't answer. He came to when they got to shore, but he didn't remember anything except telling Stewart he was exhausted and couldn't fish anymore. He would not let Stewart call an ambulance because it's Friday. Stewart took him home and watched him for a little while, got him to drink some water and lie down. We think his blood pressure went too low, plus they were on the lake in the sun, and he hadn't drunk any of his water. He doesn't like to drink water because of his prostate problems, but I think he was dehydrated and just didn't know it. We are monitoring his blood pressure. I talked to him a few minutes ago and he feels OK. I told Mom that if he has to die, I hope it's on the lake, but Mom said that would not be good for Stewart......ooops...she's right! It scared him bad today when he thought our dad was dead in their boat!!!!
5 years ago