When I went to a Tea Party protest last week, I saw several "Where is John Galt?" signs. I must admit I had no idea who John Galt was, but it didn't take me long to find out after I got home. He is a character in the Ayn Rand book, Atlas Shrugged. I have never read the book, probably due to its enormous size. While watching Tea Party coverage on TV, I saw several references to John Galt and Atlas Shrugged. Being the curious person that I am.... plus not wanting to look absolutely stupid, I researched the book and now have it in my stack of books to read. From what I can derive, it is all about the complete fall of Capitalism. Now I see the relevance because that's exactly where the USA is headed. We are on the road to destruction! I smell the wild blueberry muffins in the oven and my book is waiting. Muffins for dinner! YUM!
4 years ago