I was supposed to have the day off to take care of things around my house...like leaves! My brother was coming to be with Mom at the noon meal, but he called at 12 and said he was on his way when he got a fire call. As volunteer Fire Chief, he needed to go, since he couldn't find another fireman. I hurried up to help Mom with lunch and when I got there, her sister was there helping her. I was a mess because leaves are dirty. I hadn't even washed my face today, but I went on. The speech therapist came by and said she did really well today and could say "Merry Christmas" very clearly. She did say it for us several times and even said my name for the first time....and my brother's name. Yesterday, when I went there at 5, she was sitting in the wheelchair and said to me very clearly as I walked in the door, "This is mama!"
They had her dressed like a clown today! She likes to match and we had a beautiful new light velour outfit there with a zip up top. We intended for them to put the top on as a shirt. They had another non-matching shirt under the zip up jacket. I went right out and bought a shirt that would match to go with that outfit. I don't want to get there and find her dressed like a clown again!
Look at these leaves! NONE of them are mine! They all blow in my yard and swirl up against my house and stay there. I get to suck them all up with my blower/vac. Not an easy chore!
5 years ago