As I was minding my own business....ok, napping yesterday, I got a call from my sister-in-law that my mother had been passed out for 2 hours on her kitchen floor from a low blood sugar. She finally woke up (God must have done it) and was able to move around on the floor to get to the phone and pull it down to call my brother. He was not home, but my sister-in-law went to her and called 911 to get someone to come pick her up. A friend with the sheriff department was in the area and heard the call, so he was there in a moment. Mom has one of those emergency call thingys around her neck, but a low blood sugar makes her lose her mind and not be able to think like that. Anyway, I went right on to see about her and she was sitting at the table having already completed the crossword puzzle in the paper, so her mind was back.
Today has been completely wasted due to my lack of sleep last night. After trying Tylenol PM, aspirin, and melatonin, I still was unable to sleep, so this morning I got up, made the bed and lay right back down on it and went back to sleep until 11:00. That probably set me up for another no sleep night tonight!!! I hope not!
5 years ago