and NO alcohol was involved. Friday was spent preparing food for the coronation again. We worked from about 9 A.M. until 2:00 P.M. getting all the food to the venue; then at 6 all dressed to kill (black tie event) we were back at the venue getting the food put out to serve. Everything was beautiful and delicious and I have been eating left over stuffed strawberries for two days now. We stuffed two flats of strawberries with cream cheese and powdered sugar mixed up together. Ummmm....GOOD! At 8:00 Saturday morning I was back at the country club helping clean everything up. That didn't take long, but I had to then get ready to take my mom to a bridal shower in another town. As soon as we got done with that, we all went out to our favorite catfish place to eat.
Today I am going to rest. If I had just read my church bulletin earlier, I would have left after Bible Study and skipped church. The sermon was on "marital harmony". Hello....I don't care! Next week he is finishing up that sermon. I will know to leave early next time. It was tortuous for me to sit there this morning.
5 years ago