Thursday, September 21, 2006

Completely zonked!

Today was my day to take my mom and dad to appointments in Shreveport. Mom saw her cardiologist and got a good report. She doesn't have to go back for a year. I do not expect her to be able to go a year without a heart episode, but I can hope.

Dad had to pick up his new digital hearing aid, which I took him to get fitted for a couple of weeks ago. It's a tiny piece of equipment costing $1300, but he will do whatever it takes to be able to hear better. His old hearing aid just didn't work so good any more.

Days like this just totally zonk me out. I am exhausted!

Mom was usual!

Western Pygmy Rattlesnake.......venomous, by the way....known around here as a ground rattler....yep, that's it. I looked it up and the pictures on the internet are closer than any other snake. I bet my brother won't be laughing so much now!!! It wasn't nearly as big as the one in the picture, so I'm thinking youngster with no rattles. None of them get very big.....duh, pygmy!!