This week has been filled with my dad and his health. Monday my dad went to his GP here in town, who wanted to put him in the hospital. Due to the fact that he thinks the hospital here was instrumental and the death of his brother last year, he didn't go. He did begin some breathing treatments. Yesterday his breathing was very labored and he had some chest pain. My brother took him to the ER in Shreveport where his cardiologist is. I met them there and they sort of ruled out lungs due to clear chest x-ray. Today they did a lung function test that does indeed show a very diminished lung capacity. 1 liter when it should be 2.5 liters. The cardiologist is fairly certain it is not his heart, but lung disease, which, of course, is not nearly as treatable as the heart would have been. I will be going over early tomorrow to try to be there when the pulmonologist comes around and has seen the results of the lung function test. The hospital is about 40 minutes from me. Dad got really depressed when he found out it is most likely his lungs.
When my brother called yesterday to find out where I was and to let me know he was taking Dad to the ER, I was in Lowe's and had already purchased a trunk full of centipede sod. When I got home last night from the hospital, I took the sod out of the trunk. I was up at 4 A.M. unable to sleep so as soon as there was enough light I was in the yard preparing the ground and putting down 20 squares of sod. I had it all done and had been to the carwash to vacuum the dirt out of my trunk by 7A.M. No wonder I am so tired!!!!
5 years ago