2010 so far has not been any better than 2009. Now Mom is in the hospital. Her blood is so thin that the hospital machines wouldn't measure it yesterday in the ER, but they sent her home. Her doctor was not happy about this and he had her home health nurse get labs today and get them to the hospital. When he got the results, he called me and told me to get her to the hospital in an ambulance. Do not touch her because she would bruise. She is now in the hospital getting a blood transfusion ....well, at least the plasma. They said she was not even allowed to get off the bed to a potty chair. She never complained to my brother or me that she was hurting mostly all over, but she did tell the home health nurse that her leg hurt really bad. Now we find that she has bruises all over. Home health nurse knew something was up and called her doctor. The rest is history. She should be better by tomorrow because of the new plasma. On the positive side, her foot is getting better finally. Her ortho doc came by her room and said as soon as this blood issue is settled, then she can begin walking some on her foot. Now he believes all the draining from her wound was a result of the blood being too thin. We have no idea how her coumadin got her blood so out of whack. It is checked every week and sent to her cardiologist's office. They adjust the coumadin as needed. Somebody screwed up somewhere.
5 years ago