I usually don't post videos, but I like this one!!!!!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
It's over!
I reached my limit with the Shreveport Times today. Many months I have been thinking about not renewing my subscription. All I do is the crossword puzzle anyway and I can do crosswords anywhere. I am a Glenn Beck fan and a conservative....not necessarily a Republican, but a Reagan Conservative. This was the cartoon in the paper today and the final straw for me. It's not funny and I find it offensive! I'm sure this "cartoonist" wouldn't dare make fun of a muslim, but it's ok to skewer an American Patriot!
Well, DUH!
Went and bought one of those expensive pump containers of extended death to weeds Round UP....got it home and couldn't figure out how to work the damn thing, so I took it back. No wonder it wouldn't work! I got my money back and went to the garden center again. Turns out the one I bought was missing the whole part that contained the tube and wand. I now have one that works with all its parts.
Spent all morning watching the Restoring Honor Rally at the Lincoln Memorial where my friends are today. Wow! What an experience that must have been. I cried the whole time. If the press can find anything to criticize about that, I want to see what it is. There was not one word of controversy and not one sign for them to focus on. Oh, my, what will they find to say!!!!
Also did my patriotic duty and responsibility and went to vote for David Vitter. I preach to not vote for any incumbents, but in this case, I did!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Holy CRAP!
Dad has been gone 9 months and we are STILL trying to get the estate settled. My poor brother has worked and worked on property descriptions...faxed them all to the lawyer and the lawyer still has them all screwed up. He doesn't even have the dwelling on the proper parcel of land! We are trying to avoid having to have all of it surveyed. Mom cannot find any of the deeds, so it is a real chore. I thought we were paying a lawyer to do that kind of stuff, but my brother has done more than the lawyer! On a lighter note, the monument company brought renditions of what the monument will look like and all of the foot stones, which we are getting done in advance for all the rest of us. Should have it done soon!
Restoring Honor Rally
Months ago when Glenn Beck started planning the Restoring Honor Rally at the Lincoln Memorial, two friends started making plans to attend. I turned it down because I have been to D.C. in August and it is miserable. Looks like the
weather is going to be very pleasant. God is with them! Well, 3 friends are on Amtrak at this moment on the way to D.C. I hope they have a great time. I just do not like to be in huge crowds, plus I know my back would not have been happy with all the walking and carrying a chair at the same time. I'm too old for that kind of misery! They drove to Meridian, MS to board Amtrak for an 11 A.M. departure yesterday. After about 22 hours, they will arrive in D.C.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Painting With a Twist!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Check it out!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Check it out!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Do the right thing!
Someone told me about a business that recently opened here in town that is in an old unused building. A young man wanted to attend Glenbrook High School here in Minden, a private school. The tuition is not cheap, so his dad opened a car wash in the old building for his sons to wash cars and earn money to go this school. They washed my friend's SUV this morning for $15 and she threw in another $5 because they did an excellent job. I went to pick her up and left my car. He washed it for $10 and I threw in some extra because I like to support people who want to do for themselves!! He will wax it for $20, so next time I will let him do that.....and to top it all off....NOW..it's raining! We need it badly and I knew it would rain if I got my car washed! BRING IT. I have a garage!!!!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Well...OK then!
My doctor's office called today to tell me my blood results from Friday. Turns out I have a vitamin D and B12 deficiency. I had to go in for a B12 shot and got a prescription for vitamin D....50,000 strength which is only taken once in a while. All other things looked good:
- cholesterol -152 ( of course, that is with meds)
- A1C - 6.2, which is an average of blood sugars at 131...not bad for a diabetic 8 years into the disease ( Also with meds....5 pills a day, but no insulin, yet)
- Triglycerides down from 312 to 211...still a little high, but Krill oil apparently works at lowering that number
They are supposed to set up an appointment for me with a dermatologist, but appar
And how did I ever live without an Iphone!!!!! It is AMAZING!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
'Nuff said!
Friday, August 13, 2010
I bought those silly looking squiggly light bulbs because the tree huggers gave all this song and dance about how they use less electricity and last 8 years. Well, I have lived in this house four years, paid a lot of money for those stupid bulbs to go in a fixture over the kitchen table. One of them already burned out!!! WTH! Another beef I have with them is that it is nearly impossible to find bulbs that all look the same...some put out a yellowish light, while others are white. Mine have to match because that's how I roll. I even put the stupid things in the bathroom over the mirror. Finally, took them all out and put incandescent bulbs back in so I could SEE! I'm through with trying to save the Earth! I have to SEE! Also, they fail to mention that there is no safe way to dispose of burned out squiggly bulbs. They have mercury in them and should not go to the landfills. Mine went in the trash! I was mad because it burned out!
Yet another doctor today!
Finally went in to see about the dermatitis that I have had for 8 months. Doc was not happy that I waited so long to see about it. Because I have already had a bout with staph infection, he told me to NEVER do that again. He is setting me up with a dermatologist. He suspects my blood pressure medicine which I have been taking for years, but an allergy can occur after so long a time. Have been twice to CVS to get the prescription he sent in and they are so backed up, I thought I was in Wal Mart!!! Maybe at some point tonight I will get the script! I need a margarita!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Dodged a bullet.....MAYBE!
I decided against having my cataracts removed right now after a multitude of tests. Doc said if there are no real problems except having to put on reading glasses, I could wait until it does become a problem....and it will! Somehow cutting on my eyeball just makes me cringe although I know millions of people have had this procedure.
Bittersweet discovery!
I got it!
Today is the day to go see the head honcho eye doctor about my cataracts. My eyesight is getting progressively worse each day, so we will see what he says today. Maybe I can download some stuff on my phone while I am there since there is 3G coverage all over that area!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
My iphone has been shipped or at least scheduled for pickup by their carrier. I only bought it Saturday! It is going to the At&T store for me to pick up there. They will transfer my contacts for me and set the phone up. Who is going to show me how to use it? I'm also going to need suggestions for the good apps!
Monday, August 09, 2010
I found it!
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Well, I didn't win the St. Jude Dream House once again, but that's OK...maybe next year! My money went to a great organization. Obama will probably take it away from the winner anyway!!!
Friday, August 06, 2010
I did it!
Of course, it had to be ordered and will not be here for another week or three! I'm excited and the additional data plan is not going to add much to my regular plan. I have waited a long time for this and been very patient.I even saved some money because this is a no Louisiana sales tax weekend..4%, but hey, it helps...now I am just ready to have it!
On another note, I cleared up another issue that has been hanging over my head lately. As a krewe member, I am expected to provide something for the silent auction that we have at our Coronation. I don't even go to the coronation because I just don't enjoy that kind of stuff, but this is a major fund raiser, so I am expected to do my part. I did that and had this made up and donated it today. It has lots of cool LSU stuff in it, which is always big around here. By the time I had finished, it had cost me $115!!!
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Well, Hell's Bells!
Today was my yearly ophthalmologist visit and now I know why I had to put reading glasses all over the house the last couple of months....CATARACTS! WTH! Looks like they may be bad enough to warrant removal. The doc I saw was not the one who does that sort of stuff, but I will see Dr. Lusk as soon as they get the computer operating enough to make an appointment. Looks like I may be able to get lenses put in that are much like what I have now...one eye fixed for close up and the other for distance. That's what I am used to since I had conductive keratotomy 4 years ago on one eye and got rid of my glasses. I hate glasses so very much!!!! I am now OFFICIALLY old!
Monday, August 02, 2010
Coffee, PLEASE!
Usually during the summer, I don't make coffee because I just feel like it is a winter drink and I am not addicted to caffeine. I enjoy it while I am on vacation and can sit around and drink it leisurely or during the winter while I do the daily crossword in the paper. In the summer, I seem to always need to be getting somewhere....usually to my mom's to work in her yard or the garden. Now the garden is finished for the most part and today I had nowhere to be, so I woke up wanting coffee. The temp is predicted to be 104 today! WTH! Why do I need coffee TODAY of all days? I don't get it, but OK...I had my coffee!