Dad has been gone 9 months and we are STILL trying to get the estate settled. My poor brother has worked and worked on property descriptions...faxed them all to the lawyer and the lawyer still has them all screwed up. He doesn't even have the dwelling on the proper parcel of land! We are trying to avoid having to have all of it surveyed. Mom cannot find any of the deeds, so it is a real chore. I thought we were paying a lawyer to do that kind of stuff, but my brother has done more than the lawyer! On a lighter note, the monument company brought renditions of what the monument will look like and all of the foot stones, which we are getting done in advance for all the rest of us. Should have it done soon!
5 years ago
My mother died in 1998. She was a very organized person; had her funeral set up and prepaid, all documents organized and had gone through evereything with me in 1991 when she got pneumonia. Her estate is not settled to this day because of my sister. Just relax and let it all go. That is what I've done. It was quite a shock to me to learn money was so important in my sister's life.
A good friend of mine has his mom pass three years ago and his dad a little under a year ago. Because some of the property was community his mother's estate is still not settled and his dad's can't be settled until after the mom's is gone....gotta love Louisiana law. Another good friend is still trying to settle his dad's estate ten years after his passing...and the old man passed in 1991...only person happy with this fact is the lawyer. Again hope you get yours handled quickly...
My brother and I went to the lawyer Friday and I think he may get the property descriptions right after our visit. If so, the succession can be completed. We are almost there~
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