Since neither my brother nor I checked the oil in Dad's lawn tractor (Dad always did that, so we didn't have to think about it), tomorrow we will be purchasing this little number! Who knew lawn mowers run out of oil???? Not me! It spit the bits out and seems to be unrepairable. Oh, well.....that won't happen again. I'm sure we will both be checking the oil way too often. I asked him if the new lawn mower was going to have a red light that says, "Check oil" like my car does!!!! What can I say....we screwed up! I just happened to be the one on the lawn mower when it crashed and burned!!! CRAP!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
New purchase!
Well, crap!!!!!
Mom is going to have to have more surgery on her foot. This time the big toe. It is so misshapen that it is putting force on the next toe, which was operated on in January to straighten it along with 2 others. She uses a spacer between the toes 24 hours a day, but it is not enough to prevent a pressure ulcer on the next toe. We were so afraid there was infection in the bones from the previous surgery, but that is not the case. Here we go again! However, he did say this is more extensive surgery, but not as hard to recover from. She will be able to put weight on it immediately unlike the last time. Looks like she may have surgery next Friday. We have another appointment next Thursday to see how it looks after 2 weeks of antibiotics.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
My snake phobia materialized while I was at Mom's today working in the garden. As I walked a path I had already walked a dozen times today, I was suddenly confronted with a snake. It wasn't a big snake, but it doesn't take BIG to traumatize me. Thank goodness for the cell phone in my pocket. I stood right there watching it so I wouldn't lose it and called my brother to come kill it. I thought it was a copperhead, but he said it was a spreading adder. Enough to scare the crap out of me. Of course, he just laughed!!! I was too traumatized to take a picture!!!Time to break open the wine!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Dodged the bullet!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Laid back week!
Very little had to be done in the garden this week, so I have had a bit of a break. It is looking really good and we are hoping for much needed rain tonight......but, not the storms and hail predicted. If that happens, our garden will be beaten up badly! Brother did lots of tilling this week between the rows to keep the grass at bay and he used the bush hog and tractor on the whole place. It really looks pretty right now because I had already done all the mowing with the mower. For 2 days, I didn't even go there.
Mom has yet another infection in her foot...yes, the same one that was operated on in January. It's all healed, but is swollen and red and some lymph nodes are involved as well. This was all noticed by the lady from home health who comes to help her take a bath. She notified the nurses and they sent someone out to see about Mom. They got her in to see a doctor and get some antibiotics. Does it ever end? I thought we were finished with foot issues!!!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
It's cold!
Never thought I would not be happy with cool weather in April, but today was just not very comfortable out in the garden. I picked collard greens for Mom to cook and I cooked a pork loin before I went to her house. She also made some hot water cornbread, so we had a nice lunch. She could not eat her collard greens because she is on coumadin (blood thinner) and green things have vitamin K, which is also a blood thinner. Her home health nurse was there when we were getting ready to eat and she told Mom not to eat the greens! Poor Mom! We told her they weren't good. She wouldn't like them!!!! Actually, they were delish!
I planted some replacement tomatoes and protected them from the cutworms. Also, planted a few marigolds in the tomatoes and potatoes because I've been told insects don't like marigolds.
Brother has been having major heart palpitations for a couple of days now and just generally doesn't feel well, but he won't go to the doctor!! Go figure! His heartbeat is very irregular!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
From Facebook!
Brain fart yet again!
These brain farts are coming way too close together these days. Every year I plant caladiums all along the front of my house and each year they are just beautiful. It just dawned on me last night that it's almost time to plant them and I haven't even ordered them yet. Soooo....this morning before church, I was on the computer ordering 100 caladiums. I always plant Carolyn Whorton's since my yard guru told me they would withstand heat better than most.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Spent all day in my yard, but once again I am caught up and hoping for some rain. The yard service that does my fertilizing and weed treatment treated my yard this week and said it must be watered in within one week. Crap...I'm not ready to set up sprinklers!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Yet another tomato plant lying dead on the ground this morning. Looks like something is just cutting it off......and not even eating it! Damn, bugs, if you are going to cut down my plant, at least eat it! 5 of the eight Better Boy plants are gone. I guess I will replace them tomorrow with some bigger plants. Today I got another sprinkler system hooked up and have one going on the corn rows. Also, got Dad's drip system he set up on a fence above his berries going again. It's a rather unique system consisting of a soaker hose snaked through a fence so that it drips from the top on the berry plants. It's way cool! It stayed just like he had it all during the harsh winter, but was unhooked from the water source. I was doubtful that it would still work since those soaker hoses are rather fragile, but it did. Dad was very proud of his row of different kinds of berries....blackberries, boysen berries and some others that I don't recall. What didn't survive were his little markers where he had labeled his plants, so we are clueless as to what they are. The very last place Dad ever worked was from a little stool he sat on to clean weeds out of his berries. It was very hard for me to move that stool, but I finally did move it because I had to clean out from under his berries and put new pine straw around them.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Stolen from Facebook!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Another hard day of labor!
I spent 5 hours working in the garden today. All I can say is it better produce some groceries. Part of the time I was trying to rig up some sprinkler systems in the garden because it is getting really dry. I planted some bell peppers, eggplants and more tomatoes. Something has destroyed two of my original tomato plants. I put pine straw around the new plants that I planted today to help with moisture and weeds. My mom even came out looking for me because I had not come inside at all and she was afraid I was passed out somewhere in the garden. Not out of the realm of possibility....I was very tired when I left. I called my brother and asked him to go over at some point tonight and turn off the sprinkler. Our garden water comes from a well and not from the village water system, so we don't have to be as frugal.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Home, Sweet, Home!
It's no secret that I love my home and I derive great pleasure from keeping it looking nice, especially the outside. Today was one of those days that I never left the house, but took care of a lot of things around home. What a project it was to remove the pollen from the indoor/outdoor carpet that is on the patio! It required my high power hose attachment sweeper and then a squeegy. The furniture is still sitting out in the yard hoping for the sun to dry the cushions out tomorrow. I guess I will be back in the garden tomorrow.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Too tired to eat!
Was in the garden by 8:30 this morning and worked there until 1:30. That's just more than this old body can take. That's without taking a break for lunch. Planted some bush beans and cucumbers while my brother planted 5 more rows of corn. That's the easy part. Getting the soil ready to plant is the hard part along with hoeing the weeds out of the potatoes and other stuff. I am determined not to let the weeds win this year. They won all previous years, but not this one if I can stay ahead of them.
I put stuff for beef stew in the crock pot before I left this morning. I think it's good, but I am too tired to eat!!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Friday, April 09, 2010
Another day of gardening chalked up with success! My brother and I both worked at Mom's today. He was clearing a place by a fence, so I could plant some climbing green beans. I cleared another place to plant some bush green beans tomorrow. We both successfully used the Mantis tiller and our garden is looking good. Almost everything has come up....even the sunflowers that I planted only a week ago are coming up. I am so excited at how nice our garden looks. I will post pictures when things come up a little more. I planted more tomatoes today. We swore we were not going to plant enough stuff to feed the village like our dad did, but it looks more and more like that is the case.
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
What happened here? I had pink, white and purple hyacinths planted from bulbs. As they came up the pink ones bloomed before getting out of the ground and wilted and died. The white ones didn't do much better, but the purple ones came up great and beautiful, but their stalks wouldn't hold them up. WTH? Well, they smell lovely even if they are lying on the ground!!!
Work, work, work!
Fortunately, it's work I enjoy. Spent all day Monday in the yard and garden again. Got my yard all mowed and pristine, then went to finish mowing Mom's yard. We have groceries coming up all over the place. It's so much fun to watch and it makes me miss my dad so much. This is the time of year that he just loved. I must have got his genes on this because I love to garden and work in the yard. It's so satisfying to have a beautiful yard and a lovely vegetable garden. It's certainly not easy on this old body, but it is very gratifying. Hoping for some rain today because our garden really needs it.
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Ouch, again!
Spent all day in the garden and Mom's yard without even stopping for any lunch or drinks. When I get going, eating is not on my mind. Of course, when I get home, I am starved so I have already grabbed a wiener and malted milk eggs! How's that for a meal!!! I rock!
Planted some more potatoes because so many of ours have not come up. If they do eventually all come up, everyone will need to come get some potatoes....just sayin'! Also planted some pole beans...AKA Christmas butter beans because it seems like they don't get ready until Christmas....80 to 90 days to fruit, but someone gave them to me a couple of years ago and I am finally getting around to planting them. Brother wanted to plant some more radishes, so I bought more and planted them. After I finished up in the garden, I got on the lawn mower and mowed and mowed and mowed and mowed.....still didn't finish, but I will next week. I was tired! I am exhausted, but it is a good kind of exhaustion because I know I accomplished a lot while I was getting exhausted!!! A cold beer and a nap will make it all better!
Perfect day!
Spent a good part of the day working in the garden. Got some tomatoes planted, and some cucumbers, squash and zucchini. Also, planted Dad's two rows of sunflowers. He always loved the big showy sunflowers because he could actually see them in his last years when he was nearly blind from macular degeneration.
Friday, April 02, 2010
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Holy CRAP!
Went to a beautiful outdoor lunch at my neighbor's house, then went to Wal Mart on the first day of the month and EASTER! CRAP...after that I had to come home and take a NAP!