Hello, Monday! I ended my weekend giving up on making my Wii console find my wireless network and calling in my professional guru. Since he lives on my street, he was here in a few minutes on a Sunday. Can't beat that! He brought his 4 year old son with him. Took the guru about 5 minutes to hook me up and his son wanted to play bowling ball on my Wii, so he did. Then my guy wouldn't even take any cash for his house call! Didn't mean for him to work for nothing on a Sunday. Usually that's time and a half, isn't it?
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Hello, Monday!.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Prayers answered!
My brother took Mom back to the foot surgeon today and the news was good. He took the pins out. She still has to wear the "boot" shoe for a while just for protection for her foot, but she can soak it now and start walking more. WooHoo! Things are finally looking up around here.
I am keeping my vow to exercise 6 out of 7 days. The Wii Fit is very motivational for me and never boring. There are soooo many different exercises. I haven't even begun to do all of them yet. Today, I tried one that I was sure I wouldn't be able to do, but I did.....how does it know I ran in place for 10 minutes????
It has been so dark, dreary and cold here today that I have been unmotivated to do anything constructive. Of course, constructive, to me, means something outside in the yard or in the garden...not in the house!! I am just an outdoor person!
Oh...and I got my lab results back and my triglycerides were 312! WTH! In June on my labs they were 149. Doc told me to double up on my Omega 3 supplement. Well, OK!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Happy birthday, Mom!
It was a happy 85th birthday for my mom. She got to go to church for the first time since December and it made her very happy. We took her out to eat catfish last night and she was happy to be able to get out. We are looking into getting a golf cart for her to use around the home place. My brother and I both want her to be able to get out and see things that we do around the yard and garden. I hope we can make that happen for her.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Dumb insurance agent!
Why wouldn't the insurance people know that my collision, not my comprehensive insurance would be used to fix my car? The adjuster said I have $200 deductible because my collision insurance would be used to fix my car because obviously another car was involved, so I am taking it to the lowest estimate place simply because he said he would buff out the keyed strip down my doors for nothing. The other place would charge me $100 to do that!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I hate when this happens!
As I was exiting the EZGo golf cart store yesterday, I noticed that my car had been hit in the back and busted up the trim and scratched the bumper. It didn't happen there, so I don't know when it happened. Of course, whoever did it left the scene without leaving a note on my car other than the damage! So today I got to get estimates and now I will have to be without my car for 3 days whenever I get it fixed. That will be OK because Mom's car and Dad's truck are sitting at her house unused right now. It's always something! I am just grateful it wasn't more than it is. I will probably get the money for the highest estimate, then take it to the lowest estimate place to get it fixed and make a couple of hundred bucks!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Ash Wednesday
I am not Catholic, but I like their lenten practice of sacrifice or helping others during the lenten season. Although, I think this does not qualify as helping others or sacrificing I have decided to do some form of physical exercise during these 40 days for 6 days out of each week. It might be Wii, gardening, walking, yard work, yoga..whatever, but I must MOVE!I feel sluggish, have gained weight during the winter, and, in general, just need to improve my own health. Tomorrow, I already know we are starting our garden by planting potatoes, so I have tomorrow covered. My brother has it plowed and I bought the potatoes today. I just have to cut all the eyes out to plant tomorrow. Looking forward to feeling better and, yes, fresh groceries this summer.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Finally did some looking after myself today and went to the doctor for the first time in 8 months. I am supposed to go every 3 months for blood work, but I find that to be a little obsessive...not gonna do it! He froze a bothersome place off my hand, which now hurts like hell!!
I have done a lot of toying around with the Wii today including Wii Fit, Fitness Coach, bowling, and boxing. I need to be working in the yard, but it is too freakin' cold and the wind is bitter!!!! I have to get better fit, so I can work in the yard and the garden without having to sit down every few minutes. My brother will be laughing at me!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
No more couch potato!
When I went to my mom's today, my friend had left me a Wii/sports...the whole shootin' match! Couple that with the Wii Fitness Plus that I had already bought and I am a happy camper. I dreaded hooking the damn thing up because I figured I couldn't do it, but I did and it works! WooHoo!!! He failed to tell Mom how much I owed him, but I will pay whatever he wants. I am so happy to get it......AND.....I am so FREAKIN' out of shape!!!! The Wii Plus has the balance board that shows BMI, weight, balance, posture, etc! YIKES! Did I even want to know all that????
Saturday, February 13, 2010
My house...MY snow...ME!
I finally got Mom home yesterday, but not before she missed all the beautiful snow cover. It melted quickly. My brother got home from his vacation before we got home from the hospital.
I had planned to go tailgate with my krewe today, but instead of getting up and getting going, I made the bed and lay back on top of it and went back to sleep. Guess that was God telling me that I need to rest. I did!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Mom update
Mom is much better and even her foot is better. Now her blood is a little too thick, but the danger has passed for her to stroke out or get bumped and bleed out. I left for a while today while my cousin was there with her and when I got back, she had on make up and lipstick and looked like Mom again..her beautiful self!!! Doc isn't pushing it, but he said if she is just antsy and wants to go home, he might let her go home and have home health check her blood every day and give her the shot she has been getting every day to regulate her blood thickness. It's easier on me if she is in the hospital because I live in the town with the hospital and my brother is on vacation. I don't have to worry about making sure she gets fed at the proper times for her blood sugar. If she goes home, I will practically have to stay there with her since my brother is gone. I am not going to voice my opinion though....it's her decision. If she thought about it being easier on me, she would not go home. I want her to do what she wants to do.
I think I might have to opt out of the Mardi Gras parade on Sunday. The high temp is not supposed to get out of the 40's and I haven't forgotten how freakin' cold I was after our local parade. The next one is much longer!!! The weather guessers are predicting snow on Thursday and Friday. Thank you, Al Gore!!!! I love snow!
Sunday, February 07, 2010
2010 so far has not been any better than 2009. Now Mom is in the hospital. Her blood is so thin that the hospital machines wouldn't measure it yesterday in the ER, but they sent her home. Her doctor was not happy about this and he had her home health nurse get labs today and get them to the hospital. When he got the results, he called me and told me to get her to the hospital in an ambulance. Do not touch her because she would bruise. She is now in the hospital getting a blood transfusion ....well, at least the plasma. They said she was not even allowed to get off the bed to a potty chair. She never complained to my brother or me that she was hurting mostly all over, but she did tell the home health nurse that her leg hurt really bad. Now we find that she has bruises all over. Home health nurse knew something was up and called her doctor. The rest is history. She should be better by tomorrow because of the new plasma. On the positive side, her foot is getting better finally. Her ortho doc came by her room and said as soon as this blood issue is settled, then she can begin walking some on her foot. Now he believes all the draining from her wound was a result of the blood being too thin. We have no idea how her coumadin got her blood so out of whack. It is checked every week and sent to her cardiologist's office. They adjust the coumadin as needed. Somebody screwed up somewhere.
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Busy weekend!
Thursday was decorate for the ball day, but last night was the event itself and it was awesome! Our krewe does everything first class and I have never been to any other krewes' balls, but there is no way they could top ours.
As I was getting ready to start my day today, my brother called and said an ambulance was on the way to get Mom. The home health nurse was afraid she may have a blood clot. We spent most of the day seeing about her in the ER. Ultrasound did NOT find a clot, so she is back home and resting now.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Tragedy strikes again.
strikes again.
Heartbreak for New Orleans!
Below is presented why the economy of New Orleans will likely never completely recover, again....!!
It seems like every couple of days New Orleans loses one of its treasured entrepreneurs. These people are the hope for the city and we must call a halt to this unfortunate trend if
we ever expect to see a vibrant city again.
It took me a couple of minutes to get it, but imagine, NINE welfare
recipients collecting $1500 each.....that equals $13,500 a month !!! Now add
food stamps, free medical, free school lunches, on and on and on...Now that to
me is a real Entrepreneur.
Makes one proud to be a Democrat. What a freakin' travesty! Mr. Obama will only perpetuate this mentality with his socialist agenda if America does not wake up and vote these idiots out!!!!
Good show!
Last night my conservative friends and I went to Tinseltown to see the Beck/O'Reilly Bold Fresh show from Tampa. I must say those guys are pretty good together. Of course, the theater only had about 50 people in it, but the venue where the show was filmed had two sold out shows of 8,000 each. Could America be finally waking up???
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Who knew!!!!
Ok...I am acutely aware that I did this backwards! Why can't I find a Wii console in any store? I bought the Wii fit, but now I can't find a game system anywhere. I thought everyone on the planet that wanted one already had one, but apparently not!