I'll be saying the same thing next weekend, but for a much different reason..First, I had to admit to myself that I was a dumbass! I took the whole box of samples of Januvia the doc gave me and then took the prescription to get it filled. Apparently, I threw the damn pills away after I picked them up. They are nowhere to be found at this house. Monday I will go to the doc's office and admit that I am a dumbass to them as well and ask for another box of samples. If I ask for a refill at the drugstore I can get them, but insurance will not pay for my stupidity.
I spent all day at Mom and Dad's working in the garden and the yard. I planted 3 rows of potatoes and one row of onions. Then, I spent the rest of the day working in the yard. I enjoy doing it, but I don't know when to quit. I worked right through lunch and now I am totally beat down. Old age is not for sissies!
When I got home, a neighbor friend brought me a little heart shaped cake that she had made. Yes, I ate half of it for lunch!
5 years ago
I have onions, potatoes, sweet corn, and cantaloupe as well as two different types of tomato seed. Tomorrow I am planting Kentucky Pole beans and more onion sets..I bought a pound of white and a pound of red onion sets...that be a lot of onions.
I may plant strawberries later in the week if it looks like the weather is gonna hold as well as some carrots and Green and red bell peppers.
I am gonna start okra in planters so I can get an early start and hope the weather stays warm so I can broadcast some blackeyed peas by the first of march. I do like those black eyes and boiled okra
Wow! You are way ahead of us, but I guess in Florida you are not so limited. Al Gore's global warming hasn't made it to North Louisiana yet, so we will still have a freeze or two.
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