My back hurts! Perhaps it has something to do with loading five 40 pound bags of mulch in my car while the morons at Wal Mart watched. Of course, when I got home I had to unload them and spread them in the flower beds. I would rather go to Lowe's where they will gladly load it for me, but Wal Mart is 2 minutes from me. They will load it IF someone is available and IF I ask them. NEVER do they offer on their own!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
My new wheels!
My back hurts! Perhaps it has something to do with loading five 40 pound bags of mulch in my car while the morons at Wal Mart watched. Of course, when I got home I had to unload them and spread them in the flower beds. I would rather go to Lowe's where they will gladly load it for me, but Wal Mart is 2 minutes from me. They will load it IF someone is available and IF I ask them. NEVER do they offer on their own!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Holy crap!!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Yep..I'm lazy!
I have lots of work to do on this beautiful day in the neighborhood, but I'm not feeling it today. That's the beautiful thing about retirement...if you ain't feelin' it...don't do it. It's 80 degrees today, but tomorrow will be back to highs in the 50's. That's better "work in the yard" weather for me. I have new dirt bought and new mulch to go in the flower beds. I even bought a shovel. I don't know how I managed to live here 3 years and not have a shovel.
Tomorrow my brother and sister-in-law are leaving again to go to Branson. Seems like they go there all the time, but this time of the year is the only time they can leave. I have never even been to Branson, but I can't go with them because we both can't be gone at the same time. I wish they wouldn't be gone this week because it's parade week and this weekend Mom turns 84. None of us will even see her on her birthday.
Fruitful day.
Since the name of our krewe is Krewe des Ambassadeurs, we exercised our duties yesterday as ambassadors of goodwill. We dressed in our decorated jackets and visited two nursing homes and an assisted living home. The residents really enjoyed our parading through the halls and giving them beads. It made me feel good to do it even though nursing homes are very depressing. Why does God keep some of those people alive? I know there is a reason, but some of them are so pitiful and have no idea of anything around them.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Mardi Gras
Wow! What a day!
I'll be saying the same thing next weekend, but for a much different reason..First, I had to admit to myself that I was a dumbass! I took the whole box of samples of Januvia the doc gave me and then took the prescription to get it filled. Apparently, I threw the damn pills away after I picked them up. They are nowhere to be found at this house. Monday I will go to the doc's office and admit that I am a dumbass to them as well and ask for another box of samples. If I ask for a refill at the drugstore I can get them, but insurance will not pay for my stupidity.
I spent all day at Mom and Dad's working in the garden and the yard. I planted 3 rows of potatoes and one row of onions. Then, I spent the rest of the day working in the yard. I enjoy doing it, but I don't know when to quit. I worked right through lunch and now I am totally beat down. Old age is not for sissies!
When I got home, a neighbor friend brought me a little heart shaped cake that she had made. Yes, I ate half of it for lunch!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Yes, my new meds work!
I took the Januvia samples my doc gave me for 3 weeks before I saw any difference at all. Apparently, it takes that long to manifest itself. It never said that in any of the research I did on it. The last few days I have really pushed it to the limits eating things that I knew had made my blood glucose soar to over 200. Now, I can't get it to go that high no matter how much or what I eat. That makes me happy because it is when BG goes high that damage is done to internal organs.
Garden time..
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I guess I have lost my mind since I retired. I thought I lost it before then, but maybe not. Several of my friends and I conned the Northwest Technical College here in our town to teach a class in Excel for us. Last night was our first night. It's like being back in college.....but without tests and grades! Several times I tried to use Excel for some project and ended up frustrated and using something else.
Tonight we went to the Chamber of Commerce banquet and did our civic duty. Tomorrow my mom has to be at the hospital at 9 for some tests. My brother will bring her to the hospital in my town and I will take her home. After that, I am free for the week....nothing else on my calendar!
Just an FYI! Did you know that if you hold down the control key and use the roller on your mouse that it makes the print on whatever you are reading larger or smaller...depending on which way you roll it!!??? Way cool!