All 93 of them came up. I had to take a picture before they get full because I am afraid that every night the deer are going to come feast on them. Observe the stripes in the yard. I need to learn how to operate the spreader so it gets everywhere! I can tell exactly where the fertilizer went!! Ok...I'm trying. Cut me some slack! This is the first yard I ever had!!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Behold the caladiums...
Monday, May 29, 2006
I am a seeker.....
You Are a Seeker Soul |
![]() Very introspective, you can be silently critical of others.And your quiet nature makes it difficult for people to get to know you.You see yourself as a philosopher, and you take everything philosophically.Your main talent is expressing and communicating ideas. Souls you are most compatible with: Hunter Soul and Visionary Soul |
What kind of soul are you?
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Grass anxiety!
Yesterday I passed by the place where I have been trying to buy a few squares of grass. Much to my surprise, I saw a partial pallet of centipede out in the hot sun, with no chance of water, turning brown and biting the proverbial dust! The place was closed, but it would have been so easy for me to pull my car right up there and rescue that grass. They will not re-open until Tuesday and by then it will all be dead. I guess I should have asked the owner to call me if there was a chance he might have some left over to sell piecemeal, but I didn't. I could just see myself on surveillance cameras on the news stealing grass. I would have gone back to pay for it, but who would believe that???? will just die a natural death!
Friday, May 26, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Too much to ask?
This is the small area that needs grass! It looks smaller here than it really is, but I shall not rest until this area is covered in thick, green grass with no weeds.
Foiled yet again!
I went to get the grass this morning arriving at 9:15 after a detour for an egg McMuffin. Turns out the grass was there, but all sold. Seems there are people with BIG jobs who need whole pallets waiting for the grass just like me. As long as he can sell whole pallets, I will not get my few squares that I need. He said there is lots of new construction and he cannot keep up with all the grass needed. Last year he had plenty to sell piecemeal, but that doesn't seem to be the case this year. I'll keep trying....or NOT!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
No GRASS yet!
Perhaps it is the Cheech and Chong variety that I need. After two unproductive trips to Bossier today, the grass still had not arrived from the farm in Arkansas. It is due to arrive tonight, so I guess I will try again tomorrow. I am trying to not drive so much and burn so much gas, but this week that all went "up in smoke" ha, ha....anyone catch the pun here???
Monday, May 22, 2006
I need grass!
Not the kind you smoke, but some green centipede! Finally, I found a place that will sell me as many squares as I need instead of a truck load! Tomorrow I am going to get a few squares to fill in some spots (like the whole side yard) where the landscapers did not sod. Why would they not sod the entire yard? Saving pennies, I suppose, but now I am not pleased without having the same grass everywhere. I have not been able to get any grass seeds to come up in that area. It's not a big area and I don't have to cover the entire area because I hope the grass will spread from the squares. If not, I guess I'll just buy more as if I have an endless flow of money! NOT!!!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Cochan de Lait......huh?
I received an invitation to the 5th annual Cochan de Lait by the Krewe des Ambassadeurs. Huh?? Of course, being the Texan that I am I had to look that up. Turns out it's a pig roast. Ok...sounds good to me, within a stone's throw from my brother's lake house. The lady I bought my house from came to pick me up and off we went to partake of the pig that had been roasting since 4 A.M. Turns out it was great fun and I met lots of nice people. Not sure yet if I want to join the Krewe, but I am mulling it over.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Too trusting?????
Twice in the past week, strangers have knocked on my door and I opened it right up. Now I know that goes against everything that I know to do for safety. I tend to think everyone is good and always give them the benefit of the doubt. The doubt is always there and may some day rear its ugly head. I have an innate desire to help people who need help. The first gentleman took a wrong turn off the interstate and needed help to get back to it. I am 5 miles from the interstate, so I was certainly skeptical. I gave him directions and never saw him again. Did I just luck out? Today someone knocked on one of the doors that comes inside from the garage. I opened the door to find a young woman there who needed to use my phone. I thought everyone on earth had a cell phone. Of course, I invited her in after I saw her car pulled in the vacant lot next to mine with the hood up and other people in it including small children. A belt had broken on the car and her brother needed help to fix it, but got no help from the phone call. I then took him to an auto parts store to get the belt he needed, offered the others in the car my outside chairs and a place to sit in the shade while we went to the store. That one turned out OK,too, but I wonder when my luck will run out!!! I grew up in an age where people could, in general, be trusted much more so than today. OK..bring it on...I know a few people are going to give me some grief about this. :)
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Saturday, May 13, 2006
A word about mothers....
I am not a mother so I have not experienced the type of love that a mother has for her children. It is, of course, the strongest type of love there is and I'm sorry that I did not get to feel this kind of love. Each day I am more aware of how blessed I have been to have my mother for as long as I have. I get tears in my eyes just thinking of not having her anymore, but the reality is that I won't have her much longer. The past few years I have been able to spend more time with her and I am grateful for that. Everyone tells me that I look just like her. To me that is a high compliment. I hope I act like her as well. Spend as much time with your own mother as you can so you won't have regrets when she is no longer here.
This week has been sort of a blur. I just don't feel well and for me that is very unusual. My throat is scratchy and there's some annoying coughing. It's an inbetween stage of being well and being sick.....just yucky. I would rather go ahead and be sick and get it over with than to just drag on in this state and not be either well or sick. I slept in until about 9:30, then had to go pick up a corsage, then go get my mom and take her to the cemetery for their dinner on the grounds day. She is just so feeble, but she still wants to do all the things she used to do. This time she could not walk out in the cemetery to where her family is buried. I had to take the flowers and put them on the monument. I'm going back to bed and that is just such a shame because this is one gorgeous day....not too hot and excellent for outside yard projects. Not happening today though!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Turn out the lights...the party's over...
All the festivities for my aunt's 90th birthday are over and there were lots of them! All her grandchildren came and almost all her great grandchildren. I think we wore her out dragging her around to so many places. She is my dad's sister and I am her only niece. We all went out to eat on Saturday night, then all went to church together on Sunday and to lunch together on Sunday. We all got t-shirts with her picture on them and wore them to the main event last night at my brother's lake house. It was all great fun and I had my first overnight guests in my new home. Here's the honoree.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Cero dinero!
Stolen from here. Great idea! I am a Bush supporter, but I am sick of all the illegals that he refuses to deal with. Print these out and send them to the RNC at 310 First St,SE; Washington,D.C 20003
Monday, May 01, 2006
Since Saturday was a rain drenched day....2.2 inches for me...I just vegetated at home being lazy. I did a lot of work on Friday building new raised flower beds, but purposefully did not plant the flats of annuals that I bought because I knew the rains were coming and would beat them to death. Yesterday I planted some annuals in the new bed around the tree, but I still haven't done the planting in the much bigger bed. Today I went to Mom and Dad's and cut back all of her azaleas. Protocol says that they need to be pruned right after the blooming season. Hers are huge and it was a hard job. After that I mowed all their yard, which, as I have said before, takes a long, long time even on a riding mower. I was there from 8:30 until 2:00. A few minutes of that time I was in the pasture with my brother where he mowed a spot of centipede grass. We cut some sod squares of that which are still in my car because I am too exhausted to put it in the yard where it needs to be. Tomorrow I will have a boatload of yardwork to do, but it will all be in my yard.