Monday, May 18, 2009

Perfect day!

Today was one of those days that I was looking for stuff to do outside because it is such a perfect day. Started off at the garden planting some more squash and planting my row of flower seeds by the sunflowers. Also, dug a few potatoes and onions to bring home with me and now I am stuffed.Check out lunch. Squash and new potatoes that were growing this morning!

When I got home, I didn't even go inside, but went right to mowing my yard. I had tried to mow Dad's yard, but there was some issue with the lawn mower that was not making me happy. I stopped by my brother's and told him I had to stop mowing because it was cutting crazy. His wife called me a few minutes ago laughing and told me he had put one of the blades upside down on Dad's riding mower. Wow! What a difference that made. Now he is at their house mowing their yard!

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