Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New bumper stickers...


none said...

Love it!

You know the folks that depict our glorius leader as a chimp in jokes and cartoons are being accused of being racist but when the other side did it to Bush, it was called mainsteam political commentary..

Go figure.

Sandy said...

Glad to see you are back posting, Hammer. I used to read your stuff all the time.

GUYK said...

Some say that we should support him because after all he is the elected president. I figure he was elected because the democrats not only vote they vote often.

I for one want to see him fail. His ideas will destroy the America I know and love.

Sandy said...

I agree, Guy. I really do want to support him because he is the President, but he is just making it hard to do. So far, I can't find anything to support!