Sunday, October 12, 2008

I'm DONE in!

Exhaustion is the only suitable word for me right now. The reunion is over until 10-10-10 (oooowwww...that's spooky). That date will probably have some sort of connotation by the time it happens. It was fun, but it's just tiring for the co-chairs. We tried to pawn it off on some new co-chairs, but nobody volunteered. Of course, we knew that!
Starting tomorrow, Dad gets his last round of chemo before a nice, long rest. After this week, we will wait a couple of months to get a CT scan and see what's happening in his lungs. He attended the festivities today and enjoyed it. There was one other graduate there older than he is and he's 86. I will NOT be going when I'm 86 if I live that long! At this rate, I will not live that long!

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