of the kind of costumes worn by Royalty at the Grand Bal's. This is our queen and the king wore matching attire. Unbelievable how much money is spent by Royalty. They have to buy all their costumes (have them made), all the decorations for their respective tables at the ball, very special beads that they throw and all kinds of other stuff. It's amazing! I had a good time, but it's not an event I really enjoy. I will enjoy the tailgating, float loading parties much more when I can have on jeans and my feet don't hurt. Most of our members stay at the hotel the night of the bal'. I do not. I had one margarita and one beer in the several hours I was there. I'm glad it's over...now the fun really begins with the parades and informal parties. I'll be less uptight then.
5 years ago
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