Sunday, January 07, 2007

I'm a heathen!!!

I didn't make it to Sunday School today, but I went to church. As soon as I picked up a bulletin and saw the sermon topic was on saving troubled marriages, I promptly walked out and went to Wal Mart. I am not interested in that topic. It does not apply to me and I am no longer in the counseling business!!! It would have been a total waste of time for me. I wanted to hear the music, but it would have looked worse for me to walk out just before the sermon. The devil made me do it!!


Anonymous said...

Shame on you! (Although I would have been tempted to do the same thing since it would not have applied to me either!) We did have a wonderful sermon today...our pastor always seems to know what we need. Today it was on building our houses on solid ground and I will have to admit there is room for improvement in my life. Always enjoy reading your posts.

Sandy said...

Thank you, Paulette. My pastor is long-winded anyway and having to sit still for something I have no interest in would have been just too much!!