Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Well, CRAP!

I am trying to be frugal and it is not working! Today it was computer crap. I called someone to come help me with some computer issues...mostly printer issues and $85 later, we have ordered 1G of new memory to speed this sucker up. That's an additional $47. I'm trying not to buy a new one even though this one is 6 years old. I have a new laptop, but I really like a desktop better.

As soon as he left, I was off to serve hot dogs at the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) party. We had a great turn out....probably 400 people in this small town! The signs were great, the best being D.C. = District of Corruption!


none said...

Getting 6 years out of a desktop computer is akin to driving a 1970 Oldsmobile.

I wish I could get mine to last that long.

Sandy said...

Hammer, I know I have been lucky with this computer. When the guy opened it up yesterday, he was amazed that it was as clean as it was inside, but I had a new hard drive put in recently. I guess the motherboard could go anytime, but when he looked it up, he said it could handle 2 gigs more of memory. Unheard of for a computer that old.

Jon said...

I've changed everything in a computer, except a motherboard. Since my wife's desk top died, I'm going to build her one, in spite of her objections. She has a laptop and won't be without while I learn. She'll thank me when I'm through. Pray I don't make a mistake. ;)

Sandy said...

Jon, a former student, who worked for a computer shop, built this one for me that has lasted so long. I can only recommend it!